lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Hiking in Dornbirn

Last Sunday we organized a hiking day for the volunteers around here.

We went up to the mountain with the Karren and we walked until Staufenalpe, where we had lunch. While we were walking there we found cows that are taken there during the summer.

Then we continued until Rappenlochschlucht, that is an amazing natural cavity between mountains with the river beneath them.

It was a great day, and I will come back to this wonderful place soon!!!

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Feldkirch Medieval Festival

Last Friday I went with some friends to this great medieval festival. I had been in others festivals before, but nothing like this. It felt so real!!!

There was a lot of people in disguise not only the people from the stands, the customs where made of wool and leather, and most of the sellermen looked like they really live like that most of the time!

We tried some of the home-made beer and roasted pork, so we could feel more in the ages we were surrounded by. You could buy anything from leather artcraft boots to a fancy braided hair to feel like a medieval princess.

It was really cool, you felt for real in Medieval times not only because of the quality of the show but because of the beauty of the city.

There was all kinf of shows: concerts (percussion, with pipes, dancing with fire,...) performances (sword fighting,...) mostly every tent was a show itself!!!